Friday, June 19, 2015

June Gloom, more like June BLOOM.

Hello lovelies!

This post is a little late since I started writing it 10 days ago & I'm just finishing it at the gym in the bike haha.

It's been about 4 weeks so I'm long overdue. May was hectic - work, work, Dodgers game, work, Exeter Brewfest, work, work, Mothers Day, more work, Boss Lady's birthday celebration, work, my brother's birthday, more work, another Dodgers game, got a gym membership and a boyfriend to finish it off haha. If you follow my Instagram you stayed up to date, if you don't you should so do it now ;) @lapetiteviee... so May was wonderful but quite frankly I'm glad it's over.

JUNE is here! They call it "June Gloom" but I say June BLOOM. It's my favorite month... My birth month. It's never as sunny as I want it to be and my birthday lands on a Tuesday this year but it's the official start of summer which makes me the happiest. #moresunshine I'm ready for shorts and tanks, sundresses and bathing suits on the reg, aren't you?!

I'm going to be talking about a few fun things I like that are going on this month in the City of Angels...

Went to First Fridays in Venice on Abbot Kinney for the first time (6/5/15) and it's food truck bonanzaaaa! My anticipation is particularly high because almost nothing excites me more than food... and food trucks especially. If you have no plans this is definitely the place to be on the First Friday of every month.

Last month Street. Food. Cinema. began... It's pretty self explanatory and down right amazing. Outdoors, food trucks and old movies = my Saturday night love for the summer. Providing the Facebook and website below:



Speaking of films... Summer blockbusters are coming out so make sure you get to some pre screenings and premiere, I went and saw the Entourage movie a few weeks ago, didn't go in with high expectations so loved it... I just love the friendships that stick it out through it all & Adrian Grenier ain't bad to look at for an hour & 44 minutes. Next is Sinister 2 is coming out in August, if you know me you know I love horror/thriller anything - books, films, etc. I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement before entering the theater but let's just say, the plot is decent but the ending is eh, not terrible though.

My new obsession is the gym. Finally getting back at it, I'm a little late for the summer bod since the first day of summer is on Sunday, I'm enjoying it though. My body forgot how amazing it felt to get a good sweat on. Anyone have any good suggestions for work out music let me know, I'm caught on the Weeknd Pandora station - kind of random.

To wrap it up, I haven't been to any Dodger games in a month or so, got wrapped up in the end of the basketball season & the NBA Finals. Congratulations to the GSW! West Coast, Best Coast. Finally going back to Elysian Park tomorrow (yay!). I've missed those boys in blue. 

Happy (early) Father's Day to the stand up dads.

Til Next Time;
xx Ashley