Thursday, August 25, 2016

Eyebrows on Fleek.

Agreeing to be the guinea pig for a friend learning a new trade is always.... gutsy. Luckily I have a very talented friend and I got eyebrow microblading done. It is the future of the brow game ladies, I tell you! Take a look at my before and after pictures above.

What is microblading you ask, well I'm here to explain. "Microblading is a semi-permenant makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments." (I googled that.)

Your esthetician should apply numbing cream to your brow first before blading starts... FYI it still hurt like a "mutha" because it is literally tiny slices/cuts being made to your face. I don't have a high pain tolerance but I survived and I do love the results!

Ask your esthetician or hairstylist if they offer this new trade, you will not be sorry!

If you have more questions contact my girl @melpinon on Instagram.

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